[History Major Announcement] Internship Opportunities at the CHR

David G. Wittner dwittne at utica.edu
Wed Apr 13 16:38:40 EDT 2016

Hi All,


I wanted to let you all know about two internship opportunities in the
Center for Historical Research. 


The first is as our Social Media Intern. You would be responsible for
maintaining and expanding our web presence through the CHR website,
Facebook, Twitter, and Periscope accounts. You'd also be called on to help
out with our other projects such as Brown Bags, History Month Talks,
@Series, etc.


The second position is a Digital Media Intern. Primary responsibilities are
associated with the Digital History Project. You'd be digitizing,
cataloging, creating metadata, and uploading that to our server site. You'd
also be helping out with our other projects.


Anyone who's interested can contact me at the CHR and is welcome to fill out
an application with Student Employment. These positions start before the
semester ends for training and are full year (summers included if you're



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